Sunday, July 18, 2010


“Blessed are those who wait for Him” Isaiah 30:18b (NIV)

The NASB translates it as “Blessed are all those who long for Him”.

Waiting is not easy. Some of the hardest waiting I have done is waiting for the birth of my children and grandchildren, waiting for my husband to come home after being gone for weeks for training and duty. This waiting involves anticipation and trust.

This scripture the waiting means to trust when a situation looks helpless (NIV Study Bible notes). We are to wait patiently; believing God will meet our needs, waiting in anticipation of what He is going to do, waiting in hope built upon the firm foundation of our relationship with Him.

How are you waiting today? Is your foundation firm or shaky? Where is your hope centered?

The Father tells us in Jeremiah 29:11 “I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” You can have that hope, that future.

Father, I pray that anyone who is waiting, is waiting with the hope that You give us. I thank you for that hope, for that future and I am trusting in You to see me through. Amen.

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