“We saw his star in the east and have come to
worship him." Matthew 2:2b
I enjoy
planning trips. I check out where I am going on an atlas, often using MapQuest
to gauge how long it will take to get to where I want to go. The magi started
out on a journey unsure of their exact destination, but they had heavenly
directions- a star to follow. They understood that this star was no ordinary
star, but one that would lead them to someone special. Their journey begins
with the star and ends directly underneath the star (Matthew 2:9).
The magi had
their priorities in the right place- to journey as long as it took to carry
gifts to the new king, to worship Him. They sought the king and worshiped Him,
the highest priority a man should pursue. They also illustrate faith in the
journey. They did not know where they would arrive but had faith that by following
the star they would find the king. The wise men humbled themselves and paid
tribute to the Christ child! these were not token presents; they were extremely precious and rare. These gifts
illustrated the depth of their love and devotion. God received the very best that they
could offer.
Matthew Henry
writes “Those who live at the greatest distance from the means of grace often
use most diligence, and learn to know the most of Christ and his salvation. But
no curious arts, or mere human learning, can direct men unto him. We must learn
of Christ by attending to the word of God, as a light that shineth in a dark
place, and by seeking the teaching of the Holy Spirit”.
Where do your
priorities lie today? Where do mine? It is never too late to journey in the
right direction, to get your priorities right. Confess to the Father (1 John 1:9), spend time in the word,
and worship the King. The greatest gift you can give to Jesus is your life. The
greatest journey you can ever take is the one following Him. Why not go on the
journey? We are assured that “If you seek Him, He will be found by you” (I
Chronicles 28:9). There is no better Christmas gift than that of salvation.
Digging deeper:
Jeremiah 30:9; Psalm 48:14; Psalm 8:3-4; Numbers 24:17: Isaiah 60:3
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