Today is book lover's day. I appreciate books and hear grumblings by family members every time we move because of all the books that move with me. I can reread many times over a good book; it is like being welcomed by a good friend. Reading has taken me places that I have yet to go or most likely will never get to go to. From the time I can remember I have fallen asleep reading books. Books have always been on my nightstand. I have been able to experience things vicariously; I learn so much through reading books.
I thought I would share with you what I reading now. Just so you don't get eye strain looking at the picture to figure out the titles, here is a list of what I am enjoying:
Change is Like a Slinky- Hans Finzel
I am Hutterite- Mary Ann Kirby
The Heart Mender- Andy Andrews
When Generations Collide- Lynn Lancaster & David Stillman
Driving Change: The UPS Approach to Business- Mike Brewster & Frederick Dalzell
Jesus Wants to Save Christians- Ron Bell & Don Colden
The Generational Imperative- Chuck Underwood
Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus- Wayne Stiles
Knock Out- Catherine Coulter
Blue Dahlia- Nora Roberts
Heart of a Cowboy- Margaret Daley
Along with books for school: Organization Development and Change, Action Research, and Dissertations and Theses from Start to Finish.
But, my favorite right now is the One Year Chronological Bible, the NLT. Doing a study online with this and it is great!
So, what are you reading? What is your favorite book of all time? Favorite author?
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