Veterans’ Day
Elmer Davis said “This nation will remain home of the free for so long as it remains home of the brave.” Yesterday was the Memorial at Fort Hood for the slain of the recent tragedy. As I sat watching, my tears flowing, I could not help but look over at my husband. Chris is an AF veteran who served with honor, dignity, and devotion. Our son-in-law is currently serving in the Army, having just returned from his second tour of duty in Iraq. Our family is a family of service: my brother, nephew, uncles, cousins, have served, some are currently serving. To them, to those in the Fort Hood horror, to those who have served, to those currently serving, I am ever indebted. Thank you is NOT enough. I can, though, honor their service by never taking for granted the freedoms for which they have given. I can do my part through voting but more, through praying. Praying for their protection, for their endurance; praying for this country and the leadership of which I may agree or disagree with.
I can never discount the sacrifice of the military family either. No one I admire more than my daughter who has not once complained of the sacrifice she has to make so our son-in-law can serve. I know it is not easy yet she goes through the days with grace.
To all those who have served, to all those who are serving, and to the families who stand behind them, thank you.
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