Sunday, December 11, 2011

Rejected Again

“He came to his own, and his own people did not receive Him…. There was no room for them in the inn” John 1:11, Luke 2:7b

Anticipation and dread mix together as the e-mail is opened. Then the words “we thank you for applying but”; rejected again. Louise Brown wrote “I could write an entertaining novel about rejection slips, but I fear it would be overly long”. Rejection hurts; it pierces the heart and wounds the pride.

The Christmas story is not without rejection. It came about because man rejected God. How this must grieve the Father’s heart. No room at the inn for the weary travelers, one who is carrying the Christ child, purports rejection. Back in that time, hospitality was very strong part of the culture and yet no one could make room or give up their comfort for a very pregnant woman. This rejection speaks much about the very heart of mankind during that time and of mankind right now.

Christmas today is stilled filled with rejection by mankind. Room is still not given for the Savior; comfort is not put aside to do the work of the Father. Too many still reject the ultimate gift, that of eternal that God in His infinite mercy offered by sending His son, who experienced rejection before He was even born.

Neal Maxwell writes “Each of us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus”. Are you handing out the rejection slips? Are you rejecting the greatest gift of all? You need not; just accept Him into your heart and know true acceptance for none are rejected.

Digging deeper: I John 1:9; Joshua 25:15; I Kings 18:11; I Peter 2:4; Psalm 94:14

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